Soak up The Summer with these 15 Fun-filled Backyard Activities 

Backyard gardening

Throughout the year, kids look forward to the summer holidays, but when they finally arrive, it is more common than not to end up all bored and with nothing to do, especially when there is no trip to be had. But this isn’t for a lack of activities, more for a lack of awareness.  

There are endless super-fun and creative activities that we all can take part in, from school kids to college students to working adults. In this article, we will list 15 activities you can enjoy this summer without much hassle at all.  

All you need is a backyard. In fact, it seems having a backyard is only the first step to truly fulfilling activities because if you don’t make good use of that space you have, what’s even the point? Many people with backyards wonder about the things they could do to enhance it or to bring a thrill element into their lives. If you’re one of them, this article is for you.  

Pool Party  

We all know swimming is the ideal way to spend your summer. And what more cheap and comfortable way to do it than to get an inflatable swimming pool for your backyard? It’s your own and easy to set up and pack away. This is ideal if you wish to keep your kids engaged or want a relaxing stress reliever for yourself. Of course, if your yard is big enough and you’re ready for the investment and responsibility, you can have an in-ground pool. In this case, you could invite friends and family, making it a literal pool party. 

Sand Pit 

Whether you wish for a beach vibe or are craving a sandcastle sesh, a sand pit cannot go wrong. It is a great creative activity for kids when you don’t want them bothering you or when you wish to spend quality time with them. You can fill it with beach toys and let them do what they will.  

You could also get a sand pit just for the sake of it, or just sink your feet into it the way you would at a beach, but without the sand getting all over your clothes. It will also add an aesthetic look to your backyard.  

Obstacle Course  

An obstacle course is the best adventure activity to indulge your kids in while developing their motor skills. Not to mention the setting-it-up part, which is an adventurous experience in itself. If your backyard already has the first two on the list, i.e., a pool and a sand pit, it gives you a chance to make your obstacle course more thrilling by going through them both.  

You could watch YouTube videos or Mason Smith on Instagram to get ideas for your obstacle course. 


To bask in the sunshine that filters in through the trees and to stargaze at night, get a hammock for your backyard. Either that or you could create a makeshift hammock using a blanket, whichever suits you best. It is an experience worth having, sipping tea or coffee early in the morning on your hammock, spending an especially beautiful night outside, or just taking in all the greenery that surrounds you.  

Though if you have naughty kids around, make sure to keep an eye on them and to tie your hammock tight. Kids like to bounce around, testing the strength of the ties or hooks. 


Which kid doesn’t love a tent house? Give your kids a fun time and your lawn a sweet look to it. Put up a tent in which not only can the kids play but even you can sometime lay down and relax. 

Whenever you have a fight with your kid, and they run out, you know where they’ve gone! 


A more adult version of the last one on the list, camping out in your backyard can be a refreshingly new way of having the fun of a camp while also being at your own leisure. You could make it a whole experience by adding elements like a bonfire, a horror story-sharing round, card games, and soulful music.  

Why waste the space and the feel when you have a literal makeshift garden of your own, have a picnic! 

Outdoor Dinner 

Speaking of picnics, why not have a real one and eat out in your backyard someday? At times when the weather is too pretty to be missed, the wind is too cool to be ignored, and it is time for lunch or dinner…what do you do? Well, you go and eat outside, of course! 

You could add elements to this meal, like setting up a barbecue, inviting friends over, preparing candles, etc.  

Outdoor movie night 

Create this cute family moment and watch movies together with your kids and friends in your backyard. You could use a projector, pull out some blankets, invite a few friends or not, and there, your movie night is on. Don’t forget popcorn and snacks, of course! 

Large-size Board Games 

When you have a lawn full of grass and free time in your hand, why not make things exciting and get on with those board games? You can set up large sized board games on your lawn. Games like chess, akin to the way they played it in Harry Potter but much less magical and cornhole.  

A Shed or A Treehouse 

Ever heard of the writing shed Roald Dahl set up in his backyard? That’s where he wrote all the marvelous books he’s written. Get a little shed or a treehouse of your own and add to the glory of your backyard. You can use it as a writing refuge as Roald and George Bernard Shaw did theirs, or you can use it as a home office or an outdoor library! You could use it for just about anything: a play area, a painting room, a wine cellar, a room for souvenirs or collections, etc. Go all out! 

Creative Activities 

Make good use of your lawn and carry out all your creative and messy activities there. Paint stones or furniture, try your hand at pottery, sculpting, wood carving, do exercises and yoga, drench yourself when it rains, etc. Having a lawn is like having endless opportunities for fun. You can adjust it to your liking and carry out multiple activities or be devoted to one.  


Here’s another thriller suggestion: Set up a trampoline in your backyard for your kids. Get one that you can set up instantly, and whenever they are too worked up or need a thriller, pull it out like a trump.  

Water fight 

Another super fun activity that not just kids but even adults like to engage in sometimes is water fights. It could be by using water guns, water balloons, or just splashing water from mugs. Maybe you could even let this be their bath for the day (sometimes). You could even celebrate the Indian festival of colors, Holi in your backyard. That is either played with water, colors, or both! 

Outdoor games (football, badminton, basket, volley, Bowling) 

When you have the outdoors indoors, why even call it outdoor games? But we’ll solve that mystery some other time. Here are some outdoor games that you can easily play in your backyard:  

  • Badminton 
  • Volleyball 
  • Bowling 
  • Football 
  • Cricket 
  • Foosball (this is an indoor game, but indoors may not have the space it requires) 
  • Table Tennis (again, an indoor game, but the same space issue may arise otherwise) 

Forest bath 

Last but not least, after all the thrilling activities, here’s one that will help you relax and calm yourself down, whether it is from those heart-pounding games or from the stress of life itself.  

A forest bath is not literally bathing in the forest (though that does have a certain appeal to it) but the act of simply letting the forest sounds and winds wash all over you. It is a Japanese technique called shinrin-yoku, which is all about reconnecting with yourself through nature. Listen to all the sounds around you, smell all the scents, feel everything you feel and just simply be.  


So, these were the 15 activities that will enrich your and your kids’ days in these scorching yet sometimes windy summers. Make good use of your backyard and do all that you’ve always wished to do.  

Happy Summer! 

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